ACE (TokenStars)

ACE (TokenStars) Price

$0.00551 (0%)
Rank #2310
Market Cap$66,603.86 USD
24h Volume$0 USD (7.25%)
Circulating Supply12,095,419 ACE
Total Supply14,476,036 ACE

ACE (TokenStars) Price Chart

What Is ACE (TokenStars)'s Price Today?

ACE (TokenStars) (ACE) is trading at $0.00551 USD, increasing by 7.25% since yesterday. ACE (TokenStars) has traded $0 USD in the last 24 hours.

ACE (TokenStars) (ACE) is the #2310 largest cryptocurrency by market cap as of January 31, 2025, with a market cap of $66,603.86 USD.

How Much Did ACE (TokenStars) Raise?

The ACE (TokenStars) ICO (initial coin offering) raised $4,901,220 USD by selling 11669571.42857143 ACE (TokenStars) tokens at a price of $0.42 USD. The ACE (TokenStars) ICO began on December 20, 2017 and ended on March 28, 2018. Key team members during the ACE (TokenStars) ICO included Pavel Stukolov, Irina Shashkina , and Andrei Toukmanov .

What Is ACE (TokenStars) Cryptocurrency (ACE)?

Tokenize tennis celebrities

How Many ACE (TokenStars) Coins Are There?

There are currently 12,095,419 ACE (TokenStars) coins circulating out of a max supply of 14,476,036.

ACE (TokenStars) Fundamentals

% of supply in circulation
Completed ICO