Carboneum [C8] Token

Carboneum [C8] Token Price

$0.00108 (0%)
Rank #2263
Market Cap$55,785.84 USD
24h Volume$0 USD (0%)
Circulating Supply51,709,306 C8
Total Supply131,456,406 C8

Carboneum [C8] Token Price Chart

What Is Carboneum [C8] Token's Price Today?

Carboneum [C8] Token (C8) is trading at $0.00108 USD, increasing by 0% since yesterday. Carboneum [C8] Token has traded $0 USD in the last 24 hours.

Carboneum [C8] Token (C8) is the #2263 largest cryptocurrency by market cap as of March 06, 2025, with a market cap of $55,785.84 USD.

How Much Did Carboneum [C8] Token Raise?

The Carboneum [C8] Token ICO (initial coin offering) raised $6,337,157 USD at a price of $0.08 USD. The Carboneum [C8] Token ICO began on March 22, 2018 and ended on July 07, 2018. Key team members during the Carboneum [C8] Token ICO included Max Kortrakul, Pavalin Masagee, and Akadej Udomchaiporn.

What Is Carboneum [C8] Token Cryptocurrency (C8)?

Democratized Social Trading Platform

How Many Carboneum [C8] Token Coins Are There?

There are currently 51,709,306 Carboneum [C8] Token coins circulating out of a max supply of 131,456,406.

Carboneum [C8] Token Fundamentals

% of supply in circulation